A Comprehensive Guide on How to Take Something Up Like a Pro

🤓 Today’s phrasal verb is to👉🏻 take something up 👈🏻or to 👉🏻 take up something 👈🏻 and it means to start a particular job or activity. For example, she’s just taken up the position of Academic Manager or tomorrow I’m taking up indoor climbing. Can you tell me something you’re planning to take up this year or already taken up?

More Examples


More Examples 〰️

Still not sure how to use take something up? Check out these examples below to help you understand this phrasal verb further. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

  1. Amelia decided to take up painting as a new hobby to explore her creative side.

  2. After years of contemplation, Joe finally decided to take up learning the guitar.

  3. The company encouraged its employees to take up additional training courses to enhance their skills.

  4. With summer approaching, the Jones family decided to take up camping as a fun outdoor activity.

  5. Jack wanted to take up jogging to improve his fitness levels and overall health.

  6. The school introduced a new programme to allow students to take up coding classes as an extracurricular activity.

  7. In an effort to reduce stress, Lisa decided to take up meditation as a daily practice.

  8. The community centre organised a series of workshops for residents to take up gardening and sustainable living.

  9. As part of her New Year's resolution, Emily pledged to take up volunteering at a local charity.

  10. Feeling the need for adventure, Brian and his friends decided to take up rock climbing as a challenging yet thrilling sport.

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