Correct Pronunciation of ‘Island’

🗣️🗣️ Today’s pronunciation focus is the word island /ˈaɪlənd/. Be careful, the ‘s’ is silent. An example for you: He lives on a remote island off the coast of Scotland. Can you use island in a sentence below? 🗣️🗣️

Here are some more examples using today’s key word:

  • After a long day of hiking, we set up camp on a remote island in the middle of the lake.

  • The tropical island was teeming with colourful fish and coral reefs, making it a paradise for snorkelers and divers.

  • In the winter, the island becomes a serene wonderland as the snow blankets the landscape.

  • The island's economy heavily relies on tourism, with visitors flocking to enjoy the sun, sand, and surf.

  • Living on a small, secluded island allowed them to escape the hustle and bustle of city life.

  • The shipwreck survivors were relieved to find an uninhabited island where they could seek shelter.

  • The island's unique culture is a blend of indigenous traditions and colonial influences.

  • Environmental conservation efforts are crucial to protect the fragile ecosystems of these islands.

  • He dreams of retiring to a quiet island where he can spend his days fishing and enjoying the sea breeze.

  • The island's residents came together to help each other in the aftermath of the hurricane, demonstrating their strong sense of community.

  • She loves collecting seashells and driftwood on the beach during her walks on the island.

  • The island's isolation makes it challenging to get fresh produce, and residents have to rely on shipments from the mainland.

  • Many rare bird species can be found on this uninhabited island, making it a haven for birdwatchers.

  • The island's small population makes it easy for everyone to know each other's names and stories.

👀 Time for a test! 👀

  1. Which letter is silent in the word knife?

  2. doubt, delicious, psychology - Which word doesn’t have a silent letter?

  3. The word rapport has 2 silent letters, which are they?

Once you've completed the test, fill out my contact form below and I’ll send you some more pronunciation exercises!

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Today’s phrasal verb: knuckle down (to something)


Today’s tip: celebrate your success!