English Advent Calendar: Day 21

🎁 Welcome to my English Advent Calendar, day 21! I’ll be posting a blog entry every day this month up until Christmas! It’s going to be filled with collaborations of friends, family, my English students and fellow online English teachers. 🎁

🧐 What did he say? 👇🏻

Hey there! My name’s Jon from English with Monty. I’ve worked on a few different projects with Amy recently and she’s been on my podcast a few times and she asked me to tell her my favourite English word, that is, discombobulated. I love that word just ‘cos it sounds fun. It’s a really nice sounding word. For example, you could say ‘everything about my morning was strange and discombobulated’, so it suggests that you’re a bit confused, you didn’t really expect things to happen that way, so you feel, I guess, a little bit disoriented.
— Jon, England


(adjective) confused and made slightly anxious by something

  1. After the chaotic day at work, I felt discombobulated and couldn't focus on anything.

  2. The unexpected change in plans left everyone feeling discombobulated and unsure of what to do next.

  3. Moving to a new city and starting a job on the same day left me discombobulated as I tried to navigate unfamiliar surroundings.

  4. The complicated instructions for assembling the furniture left me discombobulated.

  5. Waking up to the sound of the fire alarm in the middle of the night left us discombobulated and disoriented.


English Advent Calendar: Day 22


English Advent Calendar: Day 20