Student Meet Up 2 In Malta!

Why do I create these student meet ups? It’s a great opportunity for my students to practise their English speaking skills, get to know others and have a laugh!

So I took my English students to a pub in Valletta last Friday night. As usual, it was a great international mix: Venezuelans, Poles, Spanish, Italians and Ukrainian! We caught up (they already know each other from the first meet up- read about the first Malta meet up!), talked about life in Malta and learned ‘Cheers’ in five different languages. I organise these meet ups for my English students to gain confidence and socialise. However, I must say, I get a great sense of satisfaction seeing them break barriers and activate new language, it is probably the best part of my job; seeing my students grow. The majority of my students start their online or face to face courses full of nerves, lacking confidence and unable to speak English for an extended period of time. It’s not easy, right? Not only that, it takes time and patience. By fully dedicating themselves to the course, there is a noticeable difference in a matter of months; more fluency, accuracy and most of all, more confidence! Applying that newly found confidence to an English speaking event is great because not only are they activating their new linguistic skills, but they are also using them in a natural, everyday situation. This is what makes an English teacher so proud!

I’m already starting to plan the next Malta meet up, keep an eye out, this one is going in another direction. Would you like a clue? Food!


My first English group in Malta!


Student Meet Up In Malta!