Mastering Phrasal Verbs: How to use ‘Give In’ with Ease!



examples! ⬇️⬇️⬇️

🟡 Despite resisting, Amelia eventually gave in to her friends' insistence and joined them for dinner.

🔵 After hours of negotiation, the company finally gave in to the demands of the workers and agreed to raise their salaries.

🟣 He tried to stick to his diet, but the temptation of chocolate cake was too strong, and he gave in to his cravings.

🟤 Despite his determination to finish the project alone, Tom eventually gave in and asked his colleagues for help when the deadline approached.

🔴 Mia tried to persuade her parents to let her go to the concert, and they eventually gave in.

🟠 Despite his fear of heights, Mark's friends convinced him to try bungee jumping, and he reluctantly gave in to their pressure.

⚫️ The teacher refused to change the test date, even though the students begged and pleaded, she wouldn't give in to their requests.

🟡 Despite her initial skepticism, Anna finally gave in to her friend's recommendation and tried sushi for the first time.

🔵 The defendant refused to admit guilt, but the evidence against him eventually led him to give in and confess to the crime.

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😲 Can you believe we’re on day 7? 😮 Welcome back! 🤗This miniseries is all about mastering phrasal verbs! 🥳Today, we're going to unravel the mystery behind one of the most versatile and commonly used phrasal verbs: give in’.🧐 Whether you're a language enthusiast, a student striving for fluency, or a professional aiming to refine your English skills, understanding how to use ‘give in’ with ease can significantly elevate your proficiency level 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻. Join me as we explore the various nuances and practical applications of this essential phrasal verb, empowering you to communicate more effectively and confidently in English. Let's dive in! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻

give in

‼️ 2 meanings ‼️

meaning 1: to admit that you have been defeated by someone / something

meaning 2: ​to agree to do something that you do not want to do 👍🏻😒



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