English Advent Calendar: Day 14

🎁 Welcome to my English Advent Calendar, day 14! I’ll be posting a blog entry every day this month up until Christmas! It’s going to be filled with collaborations of friends, family, my English students and fellow online English teachers. 🎁

🧐 What did he say?👇🏻

Hi, I’m Tommy from the U.K, and my favourite word is ubiquitous which means ever-present or omnipresent.
— Tommy, England


(adjective) seeming to be everywhere or in several places at the same time; very common

  1. Smartphones have become ubiquitous in modern society, with almost everyone owning one and relying on its various functions daily.

  2. The company's logo is so well-marketed that it has become ubiquitous, recognised instantly by people around the world.

  3. In the bustling city, the aroma of coffee is ubiquitous, wafting from the numerous cafes lining the streets.

  4. Social media platforms have made communication ubiquitous, allowing people to connect with others globally at any time.

  5. The influence of technology is ubiquitous in education, with digital devices and online resources integrated into classrooms worldwide.

Join my Telegram group!

My Telegram group is creating a sense of community among learners. You can support and motivate each other in your language learning journey. It’s also where I post quizzes and other English challenges which you can participate in.

👉🏻 Join now! 👈🏻


English Advent Calendar: Day 15


English Advent Calendar: Day 13