English Advent Calendar: Day 15

🎁 Welcome to my English Advent Calendar, day 15! I’ll be posting a blog entry every day this month up until Christmas! It’s going to be filled with collaborations of friends, family, my English students and fellow online English teachers. 🎁

🧐 What did she say? 👇🏻

Hello! I’m Livvy and I’m from England, my favourite English word is globetrotting.
— Livvy, England


noun - the activity of travelling in many countries all over the world

  1. Despite his demanding job, Mark managed to maintain a globetrotting lifestyle, visiting a new country every month.

  2. Sarah's passion for photography led her to a globetrotting adventure, capturing breathtaking landscapes and cultures from around the world.

  3. The globetrotting journalist reported from various conflict zones, providing firsthand accounts of events unfolding across different continents.

  4. After winning the lottery, the couple decided to embark on a globetrotting journey, exploring exotic destinations and immersing themselves in diverse cultures.

  5. As a globetrotting executive, Alex accumulated a vast collection of frequent flyer miles, allowing him to jet off to business meetings in different corners of the globe.

Join my Telegram group!

My Telegram group is creating a sense of community among learners. You can support and motivate each other in your language learning journey. It’s also where I post quizzes and other English challenges which you can participate in.

👉🏻 Join now! 👈🏻


English Advent Calendar: Day 16


English Advent Calendar: Day 14