Recent Podcast Collaborations

I’d like to invite you guys to listen to two English podcasts I’ve recently collaborated on!

The first one is with British English teacher and head of school, Jon, running Monty English. Together, we discuss three positive and three negative aspects of British culture. Sharing our personal opinions about this topic should hopefully give you a better insight of what British culture is like. Listen to it now!

The second one is a collaboration with British English teacher and head of online school, Tommy, running Tommy Bradford English School. In this episode we discuss various British accents and dialects. I talk about my hometown Bournemouth and the way I speak English. Give it a listen here!

If you do give either of those a listen, I apologise for my lack of professional recording equipment. I’d like to do more English podcasts in the future so I should probably invest in a better microphone to say the least!

Anyway, happy listening!


Correct Pronunciation of 'Certificate'


Student Meet Up- International Wine Festival!