Student Meet Up- International Wine Festival!

Last Saturday I took some of my Malta living students to Malta’s International Wine Festival held in Argotti Botanic Gardens, Floriana. Having gathered an international group of four different nationalities (Poland, Venezuela, Colombia, and South Korea), we roamed around the festival, tasting wines from various countries and conversing in English. It goes without saying that the wine flowed all evening!

The reason why I enjoy organising these monthly meet ups is it allows my students, regardless of their English level, a way to connect. Not only is it important to take a course in order to improve your language skills, but implementing your knowledge in a natural, everyday setting is also key! What’s the point in learning so many new words if you don’t activate them in a speaking environment?

It amazes me that a group of students, which covers three different continents, is able to find things in common and get on so well. It’s a part of my job that I absolute love- building relationships.

There will be ONE more Malta meet up next month. I’ll be announcing some big news soon so keep your eyes peeled!

Ciao for now!


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My first English group in Malta!